Stations at the Point-Of-Performance
The purpose od a station is to lower the activation energy of the task for which it is intended. It is a useful tool for very routine tasks where certain executive function and memory constraints driving up the "cost" of the activity is the main barrier to completion.
Organization, Task Breakdown/Planning, and Frustration Toleration
Task Initiation, Impulse Control, and Memory
The key to using stations is understanding and using High-Touch-Locations.
Despite the name a station can take a number of forms Virtual or Physical, Mobile or Fixed.
<--[[Ex.,Mobile,Fixed],[Virtual,an app,a copmputer terminal],[Physical,a notebook or tool box,a work station]]-->Checklists
Because this is a first thing in the morning activity it sits where it is unavoiadable at that time, right next to the bed on the nightstand. I keep my meds in a 7-day container that I re-fill right after thaking the last dose. I have it teathered to the knob of a small drawer to avoid my cat knocking it off the counter, and conviently store the perscription bottles in that same drawer.